
             MY JAPANESE SOJOURN First day in my destination, Fukuoka Onigiri is a Japanese food made from white rice formed into triangular or cylindrical shapes and often wrapped in nori. Nori is sea weed, it tastes more like raw fishes compressed into sheets. I ate Onigiri at the Tokyo airport and then took off to Fukuoka.    This is Mt. Fuji, an active volcano. It is commonly called Fuji-san. In Japanese culture san is used to give respect. This was my first dinner in Japan (おいし かった です) It was very yummy. DAY-2 This is the common kitchen we use in  our dorm to make our lunch on holidays On the first day I couldn't wake up for breakfast because I was too tired. As I couldn't go out, I made these  instant, most spiciest Ramen for my lunch. This was my dinner on the second day. This dish had chicken, cheese and then rice below. It was very cheezie and yummy. The breakfast and the dinner they give in my dorm makes them reasonable for not giving lunch.               DAY-3 Today